I’m not going to say that this is love. But I won’t say it’s not. I think about you now and then. And also before. It’s being a while since I can remember your kiss impressed me. But not only this. The sound of your voice - I sincerely can't tell since when - I just know that now it gives me chills when I hear it. The most slight touch of your finger in my skin, convince me right way that I can stay more. Even when I’m supposed to do something else. The parties that I love has never been so negotiable like when you're around. The only certainty I have is that we must enjoy each other when we are around in the same city. And when we are not, more and more I want to share with you the beautiful things my eyes capture, the good vibes my heart breath, the love I feel in simple things in life, the extraordinary things that I’m living. Oh damn. I wish you were here. At least for one second for you to see how my smile is coming easy, and for me to see your smile come so easy too. I miss the way you turn your eyes up when you try to find the words to describe something indescribable. And now I understand it. I understand it all. I understand your “favorite place on planet”. Maybe one of them. Maybe the one. We never know, right? And maybe we don’t need to. The important thing is that it’s definitely especial. All this. Everything. I understand much more than I used to. Now I can feel it. I know it’s all connected. We go beyond our bodies. Although it’s also indescribable when ours gets together. But it’s much more indescribable when ours minds get connected without anything else but our open senses, all of them. The 6 of them. I could feel you. I could talk to you. I could tell you everything without any words. It was just energy emerging all in one thing. Love is all. Love is everything. Everything is love. And so we are. It’s all fine. So many things we live in one life. And that’s beautiful. And that’s all okay. It’s all special. At last, it’s all connected. It’s perfect. And now... it all makes sense.
Eu não sei o que ocorre. Nem o que percorre em minha mente. Mas minhas bochechas queimam. Só pensando na possibilidade. Eu não tenho certeza. Mas na dúvida... Minhas bochechas ardem. Um frio, concentradamente gelado eletriza-me subindo pelo meio-fio de meu estômago, agitando minhas células que se aquecem em questão de segundos. Tento respirar normalmente, mas percebo que prendo a respiração e sinto que minha face enrubesce. O sangue agora se concentra veemente em minha cabeça e não mais se espalha normalmente pelo meu corpo. Momentaneamente meus pés formigam... A sensação se espalha pelos meus dedos, imóveis sobre a mesa, que param imediatamente de exercer qualquer movimento voltado para outra atividade. Rimos alto. Essa foi minha única saída. Tento espiar com rabo de olho, mas meu desconcertante nervosismo me deixa quente. Queria entender o porquê desse efeito sobre mim. Sinto-me imediatamente tosca e preocupada. Deveria eu estar assim? Acho que não. Mas meu descont...
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