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Birds without wings, but birds anyway.

The original text was written by Ruth Manus in Portuguese (click here to check it out: goo.gl/sweCuY) and I decided to do an English version, so I could share it with my wandering friends that is passing or have passed through the same moment.

Fly: eternal envy and frustration that man carries in his chest every time he sees a bird in the sky. We learn to do a million things, but flying... Flying life does not let us do. Perhaps by knowing that we humans learn to belong too much to places and people. And in this case, being able to fly would cause crisis hard to bear, among the temptation to go and need to stay.

Very well. Then the man kept going and created the wheel. The Kombi. The scooter. The Harley. The Boeing 737. And we found that even without wings could fly. But the big trouble comes when we realized he could go with no date to return.

And so they began to emerge the brave ones who left their cities of hunger and misery to try to feed the family in the capital, full of opportunities and monsters. The brave who left the comfort of home to study and dream about the incredible and hypothetical future that waits them. The brave who left theirs loved cities to live opportunities that do not appear twice. The brave ones who have left, at last, the life they had in their hand to fly to lives that have decided to face head-on.

The lives of those who decided to fly are paradoxical, every day. It is the eternally divided chest. It’s crying for wishing to be there, while wanting to be here. It’s leave heaven and hell in the farewell, the nightmare and the dream in permanence. It’s being proud of the choice that offered you a thousand treasures and hates the same choice that you subtracted thousand other precious stones.

And we start living a classic script: lie in bed, thinking about the old-eternal home, in kilometers away, thinking of loved ones, what they are doing without you, the laughs you did not laugh, the hassles that you were not there to help. It’s trying unsuccessfully to contain a tear to drop and sigh knowing that it’s solely responsible for the own choice. The next day when you wake up, everything's fine, the chosen life all around you make sense again. But you know other nights like that will come.

But will we learn? To be sick without someone to care, to smell the food with eyes, turning empty apartments in our house, turn colleagues into friends, pain into resistance, sharp miss in everyday faults?

Will we learn? Being son by distance, to love through Skype, watching children grow up in videos, pretending the table of the bar can be replaced by whatsapp groups, be friends through characters instead of hugs, laughing loudly with HAHAHAHA, to swallow the tear and keep going?

Does life will always be this fate, on either side of where we are? We will be here wondering if we should be there and vice versa? Is it a test? An option? courage or karma? Will we ever know, after all, if we are in the right place? Is there, at long last, a certain place to live that life that is a whirlwind of uncertainty and we insist on pretend that we believe having the control?  I know it's not easy. And I admire those who have faced and face all this, every day.

Who let Vitória da Conquista, São Jose do Rio Preto, Florianópolis, Juiz de Fora, Recife, Sorocaba, Cuiabá or Paris to build a life in São Paulo. Who left São Paulo to go to Rio to Brasilia, Dublin, New York, Aix-en-provence, Brisbane, Lisbon. Who left Bolivia, Colombia or Haiti to try to live in Brazil. Who exchanged Portugal for Italy, Italy for France, France for Emirates. Who let the Senegal or Morocco to try to be happy in France. Who left Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde to live in Portugal. For the ones that try, that struggle. For the ones that go.

The price is high. We wonder, we are guilty, we grieves. But fate, life and the our chest sometimes ask us to shipment. Some will not. But we, we were, and we will come, we are not free from fear and so many weaknesses. But we are forever free from fear we have never tried. Keep walking.

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